Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about Real life characters and fictional characters and why you like them in real or fictional world.
These characters could be a pet, a friend, a partner, some celebrity who's a role model, some actor, painter, singer..a
family member..or fictional characters from movies or serials or books , for that matter cartoon characters also!
What makes us like a certain character playing in front of our a 'real' movie.. or in a movie called 'real life'.
And how do we know whether a fictional character is 'Real' or a 'Real character' is fictional.
Or there is really no difference?
Is there a pattern that we follow when we like these characters?
Do we like the same characteristics in all those whom we admire and adore? Is this got to do deep down with our own characteristics?
Do we tend to like fictional characters similar to the characters in real life?
What about characters we meet in real life. Are they real in 'Real' sense.
How different they are from fictional characters?
What if they are portraying something they are not. At least with fictional characters you know its the way they are displayed or outlined.
There's nothing hidden inside them of their own.
All fictional characters are two dimensional but to real characters , there exists a third dimension that is under their own control. They can show it or hide it from the world.
Does that mean real characters are actually fictional characters with a 'third dimension' ?
First of all, I really liked the way you described reality as a movie called "real life". Pardon me for being a SP fanatic but there is an episode exactly on this. Name of the episode is "Cancelled". It basically shows that "Earth" is a reality show started by an intergalactic production house and its about to get cancelled because earthlings have realised that they are nothing but reality show characters. This is eerily similar to the central theme of your post. Although you may have written it unwittingly, you have now caused the doom of all civilisation. The only hope left is that an alien spaceship kidnaps us and erases our memory and of all those who read this post (so basically you and me :-) ).
ReplyDeleteComing to your post, i think there is no such thing as fiction. Because who creates fiction? People like you and me. So in a way they are creating characters and in some way or the other the characters are influenced by the author's personality. So even with fictional characters, it is not as if "there is nothing hidden inside them". Maybe the author, who is a real person, is hidden inside them. Maybe our urge to watch fiction is a way of escaping from reality? I dont know, just thinking out loud.
Real characters may be influenced by things happening around them. So their attempt to hide or show their true self may be an involuntary response to their environment. I say involuntary because each of us has been placed in certain environments with certain characteristics without our choice. The question is who has put us here ? Who is this fictional guy who is driving the so-called real guys. Reality after all may just be a matter of reference. What we may think sitting on earth is real could be the fiction of an intergalactic award winning author. Some call him Krsna, some call him God, SP call him alien movie producer.
Confused? You bet I am !!!
These are random ramblings on a boring tuesday afternoon sitting in office and spending corporate time to comment on your blog while ignoring office work :-). My comment is a tasty mix of boredom, guilt and sleepiness. Dont take it too seriously .. Hey you still awake or what ??